Treatment plant of Yazd Taban combined cycle power plant
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About Project
1- Fitup and welding of steel 25,000 inches in diameter 2- Fitup and welding of carbon steel 8,000 inches in diameter 3- Threading of galvanized lines 4,000 inches in diameter 4- PVC-PVDF lines 2,600 inches in diameter 5- Execution of polyethylene lines 10,000 inches in diameter 6- Installation of tanks Under the pressure of more than 155,000 kg 7- Number of centrifugal pumps installed: 25 8- Number of chemical injection pumps: 20 9- Valve installation: 1,100 10- Purchase and execution of sandblasting and paint about 12,000 meters 11- Purchase Construction and installation of support more than 45,000 kg 12- Installation of treatment plant equipment: more than 40,000 kg 13- Scaffolding and planking installation: 24,000 cubic meters 14- Purchase and implementation of insulation and cladding: 3,500 square meters 15- Installation and commissioning of the board control power and power and control equipment of more than 300 devices, tray work and cabling and termination and performing all tests about 65,000 meters long 16- Setting up the entire system for 6 months round the clock